
El Port de la Selva

El Port de la Selva is a charming coastal village comfortably located in the bay of Cap Gros, next to the beautiful Cap de Creus National Park, a 4-hour walk from the easternmost point of Spain, Cap de Creus, 8 km from the Monastery of Sant Pere de Rodes, and 13 km (by road) from Cadaqués - the Catalan Saint-Tropez and one of the three peaks of the "Salvador Dalí's Bermuda Triangle." In general, it is a fishing village and an important fishing port in this part of Spain. It is a comfortable and positive place all around, an excellent "location" to relax and a starting point for visiting the key spots of Alt Empordà. It is good to come here with children and by car, stopping in search of a free spot to park at a dark, almost black sand beach, with a panoramic view of the green sails of windsurfers, the crystal-clear waters of the Mediterranean, and carefree children.

Welcome to Port de la Selva, a charming fishing town located in a quiet bay, about thirty kilometers from Figueres, in the northern part of Cap de Creus. Here, fishing is much more than a job: it is a true passion. In the midst of impressive landscapes, this city invites you to discover the fascinating domain of Taballera and its historical jewel: the medieval complex of the Serra de Rodes, composed of:

Monastery of Sant Pere de Rodes

Opening times:

- From Tuesday to Sunday, holidays included.

- October 1 - May 31: 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

- June 1 - September 30: 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

- Closed on non-holiday Mondays, December 25 and 26, as well as January 1 and 6.

At 520 meters above sea level, perched on the Verdera mountain, the Monastery of Sant Pere de Rodes offers a stunning view of the bay of Port de la Selva, the sea of ​​Amunt and the majestic Cap de Creus Massif.

What you will discover: Founded in 878, this monastery evolved from a humble monastic cell to an independent abbey in the 10th century. Its history is marked by reforms and transformations, until its definitive closure in 1835. Without a doubt, the main spectacle is its church Romanesque, unique in its kind, adorned with exceptional decorations and caliphate capitals of rare richness. You will also be surprised by the defense tower from the 10th century, the bell tower from the end of the 11th century, two superimposed cloisters and ancient mural frescoes

A Journey Through History: The origin of the monastery is shrouded in mysteries and legends. One of them tells that some monks, fleeing Rome with the relics of Saint Peter, founded the abbey by order of Pope Boniface IV. The first historical mentions date back to 878, and in 945 the monastery became an independent Benedictine abbey. In the 11th and 12th centuries, it reached its peak and became an important pilgrimage center, especially for the jubilees of the Holy Cross.

Starting in the 17th century, the monastery was looted on several occasions and finally abandoned in 1793. After a long period of abandonment, it was declared a National Historic-Artistic Monument in 1930 and the subject of restorations by the Generalitat of Catalonia since 1935. Today , the Monastery of Sant Pere de Rodes is protected as a Cultural Asset of National Interest, appreciated for its exceptional heritage.

Castle of Sant Salvador de Verdera (13th century)

At the top of the Verdera mountain, the Castle of Sant Salvador de Verdera stands proudly, offering a fascinating glimpse into medieval times. With its Romanesque church and 13th-century structures, this historic site promises an exploration full of discovery.

Regarding architecture: The castle is distinguished by a Romanesque church and an adjacent rectangular structure. The fortified area is delimited by imposing walls to the north and east, while the south side benefits from a natural defense. Spreading over some 1,800 m², the site includes a rectangular tower and walls adorned with seven turrets, alternating between rectangular and semicircular shapes. The entrance, integrated into the rugged terrain, and the post-Roman construction techniques illustrate the architectural ingenuity of the time. Outside, a cistern 7 meters long by 4 meters wide, covered by a broken or pointed arch, testifies to the importance of water resources.

Location: The castle is located at 670 meters above sea level, at the top of the Serra de Rodes. Accessible by a path that starts from the entrance of the Sant Pere de Rodes monastery, it offers an impressive panoramic view of the surroundings, combining history and nature in a spectacular way.

A Journey Through History: First mentioned in 904 under the name "castrum quod dicunt Verdaria", Verdera Castle has spanned the centuries with a rich and tumultuous history. In 974, Count Gausfred of Roussillon and Empúries donated the castle to the monastery of Sant Pere de Rodes, a transfer confirmed by papal bulls in 974 and 990, as well as by a royal precept in 982. The castle church is mentioned in 1279. In 1283, Count Ponç Hug de l'Empordà ordered the reconstruction of the castle, replacing the old building with a more imposing structure. Verdera Castle, often the subject of disputes between the counts of Empúries and the abbot of Sant Pere de Rodes, reflects the power and influence struggles of medieval times.

To conclude, the Castle of Sant Salvador de Verdera is much more than a simple vestige of the past; It is a true journey through time. With its panoramic views and rich heritage, this site offers an unforgettable experience to history buffs and nature lovers. Come discover this medieval treasure, where each stone whispers the stories of a bygone era.

Ermita of Sant Baldiri de Taballera

Located in the heart of the Cap de Creus Massif, it is an architectural jewel composed of a church, the priest's house and other rooms. This partially fortified complex offers a captivating journey into the past.

Regarding architecture: The hermitage includes a church and a circular watchtower, the most prominent elements of the complex. The tower, dated 1558 and partially preserved, is listed as a Cultural Asset of National Interest (BCIN). Although a portion of the tower collapsed in 1963, efforts have been made to consolidate the existing structures. Inside the tower, you can see remains of a hemispherical structure and an opening to an upper floor. The church has undergone numerous modifications over the centuries. On the outside of the apse, the traces of an old pre-Romanesque nave are visible, testifying to the significant reforms of the 18th century. The building has a single nave with a polygonal head, with two semicircular diaphragmatic arches and baroque elements in the apse.

Location: The hermitage is located in the municipality of Port de la Selva, about 5 km from the urban center, in the Cap de Creus Natural Park. To access it, take the "dels masos" trail, part of the GR11 Long Distance Trail. From the city, follow the signs to Cala Tamariua until you reach the forest path that connects Port de la Selva with Cala Taballera. After Mas Puignau, a fork leads to the hermitage.

A Journey Through History: The first documentary references to Sant Baldiri date back to 974, in documents from King Louis II of Ultramar and Count Gausfred of Empúries-Roussillon, mentioning donations to the monastery of Sant Pere de Rodes. In 1558, Bartomeu del Mar built the watchtower to protect the chapel against maritime raids. The significant reforms of the 18th century left their mark, but from the 19th century onwards, activity declined and the hermitage fell into ruins. In 1936, soldiers destroyed the roof of the church, and in the 1920s, the buildings began to collapse.

To conclude, the Hermitage of Sant Baldiri de Taballera is a living testimony of medieval and modern history, located in an exceptional natural environment. Come explore this remarkable site, where each stone tells an ancient story and where the beauty of the landscape blends harmoniously with the architectural heritage.

Church of Santa Maria de les Neus

Located in the historic heart of Port de la Selva, the church of Santa Maria de les Neus is an emblematic building, witness to a rich spiritual and architectural heritage. Built in the mid-20th century, it embodies the history and culture of this charming seafaring city.

A Remarkable Architecture: The current church, rebuilt in 1944 after the ravages of war, was modernized and expanded in 1962. It adopts the shape of a Latin cross, with presbytery walls in exposed brick in the shape of a trapezoid and arms in local stones. From the outside, the old nave and the modern extensions can be clearly seen.

Work of Art: On the main altar, an iron Christ, the work of the Cadaqués sculptor, Demetri Kontos, dominates the complex, adding a touch of elegance and solemnity to the building.

Location and Access: The church is ideally located in the center of the historic neighborhood of Port de la Selva. It is accessible from Sant Baldiri street or by the "cantó" of the church that goes up directly from Illa street.

 Historical and Legendary Legacy: Origins: The first mention of the church dedicated to Santa Maria de les Neus dates back to 1714, when the construction of the first building was planned. The "goig" of Santa Maria de les Neus, published in 1929, tells a fascinating legend: a snowfall in midsummer would have marked the site of a future church, in memory of a similar event in Rome.

Local Legend: Josep Mallol y Oriol relates that a hail storm, which occurred on August 5, covered the city in white without damaging the crops. In tribute to this miraculous event, the community elected the Mare de Déu de les Neus as its patron saint. Until the beginning of the 20th century, a simulated snowfall inside the church remembered this prodigy.

To conclude, the church of Santa Maria de les Neus is a place of devotion and contemplation, where history and legend blend harmoniously. Come discover this spiritual jewel in the heart of Port de la Selva, a vibrant testimony of faith and tradition.

S'Arenella Lighthouse

A History of Defense and Resilience: The region was once dotted with watchtowers, forts and patrol routes, elements of a vast defense network against invaders. The impotence of Port de la Selva at the end of the 14th century is well documented. In 1397, the inhabitants, overwhelmed by the looting of the Saracens, begged the abbot of the monastery of Sant Pere de Rodes to fortify the church of San Sebastian. His prayers were answered, transforming the church into a defensive bastion.

The Emergence of the Lighthouse: Far from the dangers of pirates, the Girona Shipwrecked Rescue Society demanded in 1891 the construction of a lighthouse to protect sailors. It was not until 1902, with the Lighting Reform Plan, that this need was officially recognized. Initially planned for La Lloia, the location was moved to Punta s'Arenella for its better viewing angle, despite the violent northerly winds. In 1913, the lighthouse was finally inaugurated, projecting its white flashes at regular intervals. During the civil war in 1937, two batteries were installed nearby, often disrupting their operation. After the war, military barracks were erected and mines were placed at the foot of the lighthouse, some of which exploded, shaking the building. The position of lighthouse keeper disappeared permanently in 1999.

The Punta s'Arenella lighthouse is a literary symbol since it inspired the poetic prose of J. V. Foix, a writer who spent his summers in Port de la Selva. His work testifies to the cultural and emotional impact of this lighthouse on those who knew it.

To conclude, this lighthouse is much more than a simple maritime building. He is the guardian of a tumultuous history and a symbol of the resilience and vigilance of the inhabitants of Port de la Selva. A visit to this lighthouse is a dive into the past, an exploration of challenges overcome, and a celebration of the light that guides and protects.

Church of Santa Elena de Rodes

The church of Santa Elena, located in the Serra de Rodes, reveals the secrets of a fascinating pre-Roman past. Formerly in the heart of the medieval town of Santa Creu de Rodes, this church is distinguished by its unique bell tower, a valuable testimony of a bygone era. Excavated and studied in 1989 and 1991, it was carefully consolidated in 1992 to preserve its historical legacy.

An Ancient Place of Worship: The first written mentions of the church date back to the 10th century, offering a valuable insight into its historical importance. Consecrated in 1113, it prospered as a spiritual and community centre, before becoming a suffragan church in the 16th century. Despite the vicissitudes of history, it has maintained its central place in the lives of its inhabitants.

Architecture and Mysteries: The charm of the church lies in its ancient architecture, where vestiges of different eras intermingle. Fragments of opus spicatum, probably from the 9th or 10th century, are found next to pre-Romanesque arches. Despite the renovations of the 12th and 13th centuries, it has managed to retain its authentic character and charming aura.

Decline and Renaissance: The church has gone through periods of decline, marked by looting and changes in status. However, it remains a beacon of history, reminding visitors of the vicissitudes of times past. Today, it continues to shine, offering visitors a window into the region's rich and complex past.

To conclude, the church of Saint Helena is much more than a simple monument; It is the keeper of memories of a bygone era. As you walk through its centuries-old corridors and admire its walls steeped in history, you can hear the whispers of past generations. A visit to Santa Elena is a journey through time, an opportunity to immerse yourself in the exceptional heritage of the Sierra de Rodes.

Cap de Creus

The Cap de Creus Natural Park, a natural gem, offers a breathtaking spectacle. Its imposing cliffs, secluded coves, and unique rock formations make it a favorite spot for nature lovers and explorers.

Natural Wonder: Imagine spectacular cliffs plunging into the crystal-clear waters of the Mediterranean, offering stunning panoramas, especially at sunrise and sunset. These breathtaking views leave a lasting impression. The secluded coves of Cap de Creus are peaceful havens, often accessible only by foot or boat. Their turquoise waters invite relaxation and discovery, offering a refuge for those seeking tranquility.

Carved by millions of years of erosion, the rock formations of Cap de Creus present strange and fantastic shapes. Inspired by this unique landscape, the works of Salvador Dalí add an artistic and mysterious dimension to this place.

Exploring Cap de Creus, every corner reveals a new natural wonder, each cove hides a treasure waiting to be discovered. It is an experience that leaves a lasting mark on the minds of those fortunate enough to visit, offering a true journey into the heart of nature and creativity.

It is also advisable to start a hike in the Cap de Creus National Park from here or in the opposite direction to the impressive and touristic Llançà. The famous GR-92 hiking trail, which passes through the village, has a total length of 583 km, and El Port de la Selva is the second overnight stop if you start the route from the village of Portbou.

In April, the Asparagus Fair takes place here with tastings of all possible variants of this product. The festival includes Catalan sardana dancing, children's games, sailing trips, and presentations of various gastronomic books with asparagus recipes. Giant papier-mâché figures parade through the town's streets, and at dusk, habaneras and songs of the Cubans.

Practical Information

Tourist Office of El Port de la Selva

Address: C. del Mar, 1, 17489 El Port de la Selva (L’Alt Empordà)

Telephone: +34 97 238 71 22

Fax: +34 97 238 74 13

What to do in El Port de la Selva


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